Unofficial Court Report – Last Court of Ivan and Matilde
Their Majesties Ivan and Matilde held court at the Coronation of Their Heirs Brennan and Caoilfhionn on April 7th AS XLI. They had the following business with the people of the East through their heralds Master Malcolm Bowman, Baroness Marian Kirkpatrick, Lady Audrye Beneyt, Behi Kirsa Oyutai, Maistre Lucien de Pontivy and their silent herald Lady Lorita DeSiena
Aesa Assa was inducted into the Order of the Silver Wheel and given a scroll by Matilde de Cadenet and words by Malcolm Bowman.
Lord Symon of Barnsdale was inducted into the Order of the Silver Wheel and given a scroll by Faolán an Screcain

Fearghus O’Conchobhair was inducted into the Order of the Silver Wheel and awarded the Queen’s Order of Courtesy.
Murdach us Dalaig was inducted into the Order of the Silver Tyger and given a scroll by Brochmail the Anglespurian with calligraphy and words by Brennan mac Fearghus.
Mikjáll bogmaðr was inducted into the Order of Sagittarius and given a scroll by Suzanne Neuber de Londres
Catháin was inducted into the Order of the Sagittarius and given a scroll by Mýrún Leifsdóttir with words by Malcolm Bowman
Estgar æt Hrofeceastre (Formerly Angus of Pembridge) was inducted into the Order of the Pelican and given a scroll by Isabel Chamberlain with words by Aneleda Falconbridge, Aildreda de Tamwurthe, Steffan ap Kennydd, and Saint Jerome
Lady Eadgyth aet Staeningum (AKA Derhilde of Carolingia, Edith Steyning) was pronounced a Court Baroness and given a scroll by Cassius (Pontianus) with words translated into Old English by Timbrien.
Medhbh ínghean uí Cheallaigh was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent and given a scroll by Fiona O’Maille ó Chuan Coille with words by Mahin Banu.
Aethelthryth Kenricing was inducted into the Order of the Silver Brooch.
Sile Dhubh inghean Mhic an Mhadaidh was made a Court Baroness and given a scroll by Charis Accipiter.
Cellach Dhonn inghean Mhic an Mhadaidh was pronounced a Court Baroness and given a scroll by Aleksei Dmitriev.
The following gentles were recognized with the King’s Award
of Esteem:
Alexander O’Conchobhair
Sigvardr Halfdanarson
Joel Messerer
Matthias Von Wuzburg
David Vasquez de Valencia
Symon of Barnesdale
Sisule Butler
Mathghamhain Us Ruidhain
Liadan Ingen Chineada
Yehuda ben Moshe
Audrye Beneyt
Kirsa Oyutai
Lorita DeSiena
Sabina Luttrell
The following gentles were honored with the

Queen’s Cypher:
Chana Friedl the Maker
Mari Clock van Hoorne
Tysha z Kieva
Elizabeth Elenore Lovell
Ysemay Sterlyng
Aesa Assa
Cateline LaBroderesse
Eloise of Coulter
Ellesbeth Donofrey
Malcolm Bowman
The following gentles were honored with the King’s Cypher
Mael Eoin Mac Echuidh
Fearghus O’Conchobhair
Goerijs Goriszoon
Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal
Douglas O’Conchobhair
Abel ate Watere
Sven Ivanson
Ragnarr Ivanson
Katherine Barr
Ellesbeth Donofrey
In addition to the above business, the Stagebuilders Guild received a Royal Charter with Calligraphy and Illumintation by Myrun Liefsdottir and words by Malcolm Bowman.
Darius Aurlius Serpentius, Called Omega, received a scroll that certified him
as a Supervillain
Her Majesty Matilde released her guards.
Thus was their business concluded.
Photos by Lindsay Nery.