Pennsic Fighters: Check Your Authorization Expiration Date Today
If you plan on fighting at Pennsic, please check your authorization card right now an make sure that your authorization doesn’t expire before the end of Pennsic. It’s easy to forget the paperwork in the midst of drilling and training. The cutoff date for mailing your authorization renewal to the East Kingdom Ministry of Lists in order to get your new card in time for Pennsic is Friday, July 7th. Authorization forms postmarked after that date will not get processed in time for you to have a new card by Pennsic. I will be collecting authorization forms directly from Great Northeastern War, so forms filled out at that event will also make the deadline, but please, if you don’t have to, don’t wait until that last minute.
Make it easier on the Marshals and MoL’s who volunteer at Pennsic as well as yourself. Get your authorization renewal forms filled out and mailed in ASAP.
Mail forms to:
PO Box 1168
Westbrook, ME 04098
Download the appropriate forms below:
Armored Combat New/Renewal Authorization
Armored Combat Additional Weapons Form
Rapier Combat New/Renewal Authorization
Rapier Combat Additional Weapons Form