Call for presentations!
The Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust will be holding Thélème at Penn on August 20th, 2016 at the rare books library of the University of Pennsylvania.

If you liked, or were sad to miss, the ‘Voyages of Discovery: An Arts & Science Colloquium’ held in Carolingia in October 2014, this is an event of similar inspiration. Come and talk with people of same interests about what you have been working on. Take that opportunity to discuss what worked, what didn’t and what could. Exchange ideas, notes, sources and initiate collaborations. This is not a competition but the occasion to share our SCA research. While presentations on all subjects are welcome, inspired by the context of the library, we are particularly interested in having a track fully dedicated to the making of the books (making parchment, paper, ink, preparing pigments, calligraphy, printing, bookbinding…)
The format of the day is as follows:
– Lecture-style presentations with a question-and-answer session at the end; presentation slots are one half-hour, with fifteen minutes of presentation and ten minutes of question-and-answer. Those presenters who are comfortable with a longer presentation are welcome to request two adjoining slots, for a forty-minute presentation and fifteen minutes of question-and-answer. There are a finite number of slots, and we will start adding classes on a rolling timeline as we receive and review proposals. Please send any and all proposals to Mistress Lissa Underhill.
– A poster session. There is some space available for poster display. If there is interest, there will be a hall set up to display poster-size presentations of research topics (either hanging or free-standing trifolds). There will be an hour during the day while the posters are attended by their authors; the room will be open throughout the day for interested folks to walk through and read at their leisure. There is no limit on the number of poster slots. Please send any and all poster proposals to Mistress Lissa Underhill.
– Manuscript interaction room. This is the rare books library and, with advance warning, Penn’s manuscript relevant to the classes will be available to peruse. There is only room for us to pull about 8 books. So, early requests and ones that tie a manuscript to a class will get priority. For more information see:
– Breakout area and lounge space for conversation and further exploration of topics that caught your interest during one presentation or another. Also feel free to bring your favorite reference books to show others.
Because we will be presenting our research with all the modern tools of the presenter’s art, this demo is in modern dress. The interested general public is encouraged to attend.
The EK event announcement is here:
Please contact the event steward, Mistress Brunissende Dragonette, with questions or comments.
We are excited to host this colloquium in Penn and hope to see you there!