East Kingdom Calendar and Note Cards: Deadline November 1

The scribes of the East Kingdom have again created a calendar and set of note cards to benefit the kingdom. The Beasts of the East is a bestiary with a different animal featured on each page. Prince Alexandre d’Avignon, former Viceroy of Ostgardr and current Prince of Insulae Draconis in Drachenwald, wrote the descriptions for each of the months. Orders will be accepted until November 1. Extra calendars will not be printed, so orders must be placed in advance.

Sales of The Beasts of the East help pay the travel costs of the East Kingdom’s royalty when they attend events inside the kingdom, attend wars in other kingdoms, and show hospitality to visiting royalty. Sponsorships are still available for a few months. A sponsor can write a dedication for their month on the calendar. Contact Baroness Lucie Lovegood for more information on sponsorships.

Calendars are $17 + $ 3 shipping. Notecards are available in set of six for $12 + $3 shipping. Orders can be placed at the website until November 1, 2015.
More calendar artwork is in the gallery below. Mouse over the images for the names of the artists or click on them for larger images.
Photos courtesy of Doña Camille des Jardins