Unofficial Court Report: A Market Day at Birka

The Court of our most excellent prince and lord, Edward, by right of arms most illustrious King of the East, third of that name, and Thyra, his Queen by agency of that same right, second of that name, held upon 24 January in the forty-ninth year of the Society in the Barony of Stonemarche; on which day were called all and sundry the lords of the realm and the great persons of the kingdom to hear the following publicly proclaimed:
Item. Their Majesties gave thanks to Lady Sylvia du Vey for her service as Equestrian Marshal, whereupon they accepted the fealty of Baroness Doucette de Verdun as the new Equestrian Marshal.

Item. Their Majesties thanked Sir Oskgar of the Wood for his service as Earl Marshal and accepted the fealty of Sir Jibril al-Dakhil as the new Earl Marshal.
Item. Their Majesties summoned Ulfgeirr Ragnarsson (called Ulfgar the Nice) before the Court and, praising his skills in combat, inducted him into the Order of the Tygers Combatant, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Vettorio Antonello.
Item. The aforenamed Order being incomplete, Their Majesties then summoned the mighty Sigurdr Berserk and caused him to be added to the Order of the Tygers Combatant, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Jonathan Blaecstan.
Item. Their Majesties called Aiden McShane before the assembled Court and inducted him into the Order of the Silver Rapier, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Renye Wurm and Bebhinn inghean Ui Siodhachain.

Item. Their Majesties bade Rafael de Ayala de Santiago to appear before them, whereupon they inducted him into the Order of the Silver Rapier, the which deed was memorialized with a document created by Aesa Sturludottir.
Item. Their Majesties summoned before the assemblage the good man Lucien de Wyntere and, praising his skill with the rapier blade, endowed him with the Order of the Golden Rapier, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova.
Item. Their Majesties commanded that Eleanore MacCarthaigh appear before the Court, and thereupon put her to the question of whether she would accept membership in the Order of the Pelican, the said question to be answered that afternoon.

Item. Their Majesties summoned Tiberius Iulius Rufus and commanded that he sit vigil and answer the question of whether he would accept membership in the Order of the Pelican, the said question to be answered that afternoon.
Whereupon the Court was adjourned, and then did reconvene upon the hour of Matins.
Item. Their Majesties invited the King and Queen of Acre to attend upon them and join in their Court, and renewed the friendship between the two lands.
Item. With leave of their Majesties, Countess Caoilfhionn gave tokens to children who had participated in the Children’s Service Initiative.
Item. Their Majesties called Cody of Endewearde before the assemblage and inducted him into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Aesa feilan Josursdottir.
Item. Their Majesties made gifts of toys to the children of the East.
Item. Their Majesties welcomed Konstantia Gold Falcon Principal Herald of Calontir as ambassador from the Crown of Calontir, and made her a gift of a document created by Alys Mackyntoich and Eva Woderose.

Item. Their Majesties called Simon Peter Squirrel before the Court and Awarded him Arms.
Item. Their Majesties called Poplyr Childs before the Court and Awarded him Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Nest verch Tangwistel and Marie Heather Hall.
Item. Their Majesties called Carl of Anglespur before the Court and Awarded him Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Katrusha Skomorokh.
Item. Their Majesties called Robert of Anglespur before the Court and Awarded him Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Lilian ate Valeye and Lada Monguligin.
Item. Their Majesties awarded Arms to John of Southwick, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Nemania filia Huweli.
Item. Their Majesties awarded Arms to Marcus Antonius Leptis, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Sorcha Dhocair inghean Uí Ruairc and Ulrich Reinhart.
Item. Their Majesties called before the Court the good lady Dalla Olafskona and, praising her artistry in knitting and embroidery, inducted her into the Order of the Maunche, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Elisabeth Greenleaf.
Item. Their Majesties, seeking to augment the aforesaid Order further, then summoned Sunnifa Heinriksdottir before the assemblage, and in token of her great skills in the fiber arts, invested her with the Order of the Maunche, and confirmed that investiture with the gift of a glass and document created by Solskinn of Smoking Rocks, Nest verch Tangwistel and Henna Sinclair, with words by Toki Redbeard.
Item. Their Majesties then called Lisabetta Medaglia before the Tyger Thrones and, praising her skill at illumination, inducted the said Lisabetta into the Order of the Maunche, the which deed was confirmed with a document created by Eleanor Catlyng and Kayleigh Mac Whyte.
Item. Duena Mercedes de Califia, Seneschale of the East Kingdom, announced that the Riding of Giggleswick had achieved official status.
Item. Their Majesties gave tokens of welcome to newcomers to the Society.
Item. Their Majesties called before the Tyger Throne the noted bookseller Devra the Baker and, having heard word of her retirement, granted her a pension fit for her station, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Aildreda de Tamworthe and Eva Woderose.
Item. Their Majesties commanded the presence of Thomas de Winterwade, good and noble servant of the Kingdom; whereupon they caused the said Thomas to be entered into the Order of the Silver Crescent, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Anastasia Gutane and Fiona O Maille O Chaun Coille.
Item. Their Majesties then further commanded that Magnus de Londres appear before the assemblage, and in witness of his great labors for the Realm, elevated the said Magnus to the Order of the Silver Crescent, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Heather Rose de Gordoun.

Item. Their Majesties summoned Harold von Auerbach to appear before the Tyger Thrones, whereupon the said Harold was endowed with the Order of Terpsichore, the which deed was confirmed with a document created by Katherine Stanhope.
Item. Their Majesties called into their presence Lili von der Tann and endowed the said Lili with the Order of the Troubadour, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Anne of Framlingham, Constance de St. Denis and Marietta Charay.
Item. Their Majesties called upon Eleanore MacCarthaigh to answer the question put to her that morning, to wit that she would join the Order of the Pelican; and Their Majesties took testimony from Peers and good persons of the Realm, whereupon they did invest the said Eleanore with the Order of the Pelican.
Item. Their Majesties invited Muirenn ingen Dúnadaig to attend upon them, whereupon they awarded her Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Lilian ate Valeye and Nest verch Tangwistel.
Item. Their Majesties invited Rúadán mac Paidín to attend upon them, whereupon they awarded him Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Lassar ingen Aeda and Nest verch Tangwistel.
Item. Their Majesties invited Vuradech Mac Aed Finn to attend upon them, whereupon they awarded him Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Sarah Davies of Monmouth and Bronwyn of Wentworth.

Item. His Majesty summoned before the Tyger Thrones the good ladies Aneleda of Falconbridge, Lucie Lovegood of Ramsgate and Catrin o’r Rhyd For and, thanking them for their work raising funds for the good of the Realm through a calendar project, endowed them with the King’s Esteem of Merit.
Item. Her Majesty summoned before the Tyger Thrones the artists who had contributed to the fundraising calendar project and endowed all of the following good people with the Queen’s Honor of Distinction:
Alexandre St. Pierre; Christian von Jaueregk; Rhonwen glyn Conwy: Lada Monguligin: Sakura’i no Kesame: Eleanore MacCarthaigh; Ro Honig von Summerfeldt; Carolyne de laPointe; Eva Woderose; Palotzi Marti; Emma Makilmone; Camille des Jardins; Isabel Chamberlaine; Khioniya Nikolaevna Ryseva; Lisabetta Medaglia; Eleanor Catlyng; Henna Sinclair
Item. Their Majesties awarded Arms to Remy le Bastard, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Bebhinn inghean Ui Siodhachain and Shadiyah Al-Zhara.
Item. Their Majesties summoned Christine Violet before the assembled Court, whereupon they awarded her Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Aud Lifsdottir.
Item. Their Majesties summoned Aud Lifsdottir before the assembled Court, whereupon they awarded her Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Harold von Auerbach.

Item. Their Majesties called before the Court the good lady Lucie Lovegood of Ramsgate and, in witness of her labors for the good of the Realm, inducted her into the Order of the Silver Crescent, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Eloise of Coulter.
Item. Their Majesties invited Barbeta Kyrkeland to attend upon them, whereupon they endowed the said Barbeta with the Order of the Silver Crescent for her many good works for the Kingdom, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Nest verch Tangwistel and Marie Heather Hall.
Item. Their Majesties invited Lily of Eastham before the assembled Court and, praising her good and diverse labors for the benefit of the Realm, created the said Lily a member of the Order of the Silver Crescent, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Catarina Giaocchini.
Item. Their Majesties called Carmelina de Vacarri before the Court and awarded her Arms, the which deed was memorialized with a gift of embroidery created by Gwenlliana Vachan.
Item. Their Majesties called Petra de Cilicia before the Court and awarded her Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Anna Doukeianina Syrakousina and Aldis Thorbjarnarsdottir.
Item. Their Majesties called Elvira Violante Ballesteros before the Court and awarded her Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Nicolette Bonhomme and Sakurai no Kesame.
Item. With leave of Their Majesties, Master Godric of Hampton, Captain-General of Archers, created Aesa Ormstunga a Master Bowman.
Item. Their Majesties thanked Master Godric of Hampton for his service as Captain-General of Archers and bade him take his rest; in witness of the love they bear him they further gave him their tokens.

Item. Their Majesties accepted the fealty of Mistress Jehannine de Flandres as the new Captain-General of Archers.
Item. Her Majesty endowed the good lady Alexandra of Silverwood with the Queen’s Honor of Distinction in witness of her work at Market Day at Birka.
Item. His Majesty endowed Alexander Clarke with the King’s Order of Excellence, the which deed was confirmed with a document created by Raistlin the Quiet.
Item. Their Majesties commanded Tiberius Iulius Rufus to attend upon them and give answer to the question set before him; and the said Tiberius affirmed that he would accept the offered accolade; and Their Majesties took testimony from notable persons of the Realm; whereupon they endowed the said Tiberius with the Order of the Pelican and Arms by letters patent.

Item. Their Majesties then summoned Gareth Grey de Wilton to appear before the assembled Court, whereupon Their Majesties took testimony from notable persons of the Realm and upon the strength of that testimony, offered the said Gareth admission into the Order of the Pelican; and the said Gareth so accepting, the deed was confirmed in a document created by Harold von Auerbach.
Item. Their Majesties thanked the musicians who had played for the courts.
I, Alys Mackyntoich, Eastern Crown Herald, wrote this to memorialize and make certain all such things that were done and caused to be done as above stated.
Ryan Mac Whyte
Kayleigh Mac Whyte
Mylisant Grey
Alesone Gray of Cranlegh
Malcolm Bowman
Donovan Shinnock
Anastasia da Monte
Yehuda ben Moshe