Bergental Novice Schola – A Call for Teachers
Bergental’s Novice Schola will be held on March 14th, 2015, in Springfiled, MA and the event is currently recruiting teachers to create entry-level classes of all types. Any A&S, Garb, Food, Martial, History, and SCA Life classes are welcome.
This year there are two specialty tracks that are especially welcome. One is for classes intended for “tween” aged members, defined as youngsters between the ages of 8 or 9 and 14 or 15. Mistress Annestrina will be coordinating this set of classes, and will have a dedicated youth room for the entire day for her teachers.
Second, since the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt will occur in 2015, there will be a track of classes for anything having to do with Agincourt: 15th century life, the battles, the Kings, the history leading up to the battle or after it occurred. Lord Griffin Dunham is coordinating this track.
Put on your thinking caps, and contact Lady Barbeta Kyrkeland who is managing classes for the Schola with your class ideas as soon as possible.