Unofficial Court Report for Simply Allegorical
Item. Their Majesties called into the Court Dove Galea and caused her to be inducted into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub, the which deed was commemorated in a document by Katherine Stanhope.
Item. Their Majesties called into the Court Markis Galea and caused him to be inducted into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub, the which deed was commemorated with a document by Aleksei Dmitriev.
Item. Their Majesties caused the judges of the day’s costume contest to announce the winners of said contest, and give prizes to the said winners.
Item. Their Majesties caused gifts of toys to be distributed to the children of the East.
Item. Their Majesties called into their presence Úna inghean Chonaín and awarded her Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Constance de St. Denis.
Item. Their Majesties invited into their presence newcomers to the Society and gave them tokens of welcome in memory of the day.
Item. Their Majesties gave public thanks to the musicians who had performed for the dancing.
Item. Their Majesties gave public thanks to the cooks who had diligently worked in the kitchens all day so that those dancing might be sustained throughout their efforts.
I, Donovan Shinnock, Golden Rapier Herald, wrote this to memorialize and make certain all such things that were done and caused to be done as above stated.
Event photos courtesy of Erdene Qadajin, Jaquemine van Bel, and Bianca Angussola
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