King’s and Queen’s Archery Champions Unofficial Court Report
It was a mostly beautiful day upon which Their Imperial Majesties, Brennan Augustus and Caoilfhionn Augusta, visited their Barony of Bergental on 31 May 2014, AS XLIX for the competition to choose their Champions of Archery.
There was some fine shooting, nearly eighty archers took the field, including Their Majesties and Their Highnesses. In the end, sixteen stood to compete for the victory, and to be named Queen’s Champion.
The finals came down to Rupert the Unbalanced, and Urho of the Pines. Following a dramatic shoot-off, Rupert emerged the victor, and would be named Queen’s Archery Champion for the 5th time.
At the beginning of court Krakken Gnashbone relinquished his place to Rupert, who was presented the regalia of the Queen’s Archery Champion, and a scroll by Charis Accipiter.
Colin Ursell was thanked for his service, and relieved of his duties as King’s Archery Champion. His Majesty chose Peter the Red, who had displayed incredible prowess to reach the semi-finals, to serve as His champion. Peter received the regalia of the King’s Archery Champion, and a scroll by Charis Accipiter.
The skies began to open, and though a light rain started to come down, court continued onwards.
Godric of Hampton was called into court. There, he presented to Alexander von Heisler the medallion of a Master Bowman. Alexander has achieved a royal-round average greater than 80 points to earn that honor.
Jehannine de Flandres was called to attend the court. She had in her possession old IKAC (Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition) medallions from many years ago. Since all of the recipients were present, she passed them the earned awards for this.
Next was Duchess Avelina called before the court. There, she presented to a recipient of Her Queen’s honor of distinction, Alberic, a token for his work with the state dinner.
The rains abated, much to the delight of those in attendance.
Their Majesties invited before them Mirabet de Gumy. She was named a Lady of the Court, and presented an AoA scroll with calligraphy and illumination by Wulfgar Silverbraid, words by Theodora Bryennissa called Treannah.
Her Majesty addressed Her Highness, and invited her into court. She offered her a stuffed blue tyger, as congratulations on her becoming Princess of the East. However, this was a pretense to get Þóra Eiríksdóttir into court, so that the companions of Order of the Silver Crescent may be called forth. She was inducted into said order, presented a medallion as well as a scroll by Nest verch Tangwistel.
Her Majesty next invited the children who had participated in Her service initiative into court. They were presented with beads and cheered. Then were the rest of the children present called before the court, as was Her guard Llewellyn Walsh. Llewelyn took the toy box, and ran into the field, where he served as human piñata for the children to get toys from.
Duke Kenric æt Essex was called before the court. His Majesty did expound upon the many, many, many things Kenric does, and lamented that he leaves nothing for anyone else to do! However, such was his work that it did not go unrecognized, and this day was his rapier prowess in particular noted. The recipients of the Order of the Silver Rapier were called forth. Kenric was inducted to the order, and received a medallion and a scroll by Elisenda de Luna.
Their Majesties called before their court Elisabeth Playledere. She was named a Lady of the Court, and presented with an AoA scroll with calligraphy by þóra Eiríksdóttir, and illumination by Emma Makilmone.
His Majesty addressed Her Excellency Bergantal. He could not help by admire the fine illumination work on the scroll just presented. He invited Emma Makilmone before the court. Noting her contributions to the Arts and Sciences, the companions of the Order of the Maunche were called forth. Emma Makilmone was inducted into the order, and received a medallion, as well as a scroll by Eloise of Coulter.
It was the conclusion of a fine day, and thus closed the court of Their Imperial Majesties, Brennan Augustus and Caoilfhionn Augusta was closed. Long may they reign over the Empire of the East!
In service,
Malcolm Bowman
Eastern Crown Herald
PS – Thank you for Heraldic assistance to Ryan MacWhyte and Simona bat Leone. Additional thank you to Alys Mackyntoich and Eva Woderose.
Thank you for this.
And Vivat to all who participated.