Thanks from the former Vox Regis

To all of you who came out to help herald the reign of Kenric II and
Avelina II, and most especially to Their (now) Graces, my thanks and
appreciation. You all did very good work and I’m proud of what we
In the last six months, we heralded 19 Royal Progresses, 2 Highness
Progresses, and 2 Baronial Progresses across the Kingdom.
We had, if my counting is accurate, 41 heralds read in court this
reign, nine of them reading for the first time. Others learned the
chancery work of setting up and coordinating court.
We had 14 heralds read in Birka Court and everything ran smoothly and quickly.
Six heralds – Conogan, Erec, Donovan, Eginhard, Rozi, and Mylisant –
ran courts for the first time; some were smaller, some larger, some
had coaching, some not, but they all took that step.
To Alesone Gray of Cranleigh, Alethea Eastriding, Alys Mackyntoich,
Amy verch Rychard, Anastasia da Monte, Andreas von Meißen, Audrye
Beneyt, Brighid MacCumhal, Brita Mairi Svensdottir, Catrin o’r Rhyd
For, Cezilia Raposa, Conogan mab Rioc, Donovan Shinnock, Aildreda de
Tamwurthe called Dreda, Eginhard d’Aix la Chapelle, Erec le Clair,
Galefridus Peregrinus, Gregory of York, Grim the Skald, Katrusha the
Skomorokh, Kay Leigh Mac Whyte, Jean de la Montagne, Judith Fitzhenry
the Uncertain, Justin du Coeur, Lucien de Pontivi, Mael Eoin mac
Echuid, Malcolm Bowman, Marguerite ingen Lachlainn, Martyn de
Halliwell, Mithgiladan the Herald, Mylisant Grey, Phillip Reed the
Facetious, Rosina von Schaffhausen, Ryan McWhyte, Sabine de Kerbriant,
Steffan ap Cenydd of Silverwing, Theodora Bryennissa called Treannah,
Ulric von der Insel, Xandra Rozina Xiberras Galea called Rozi, and
Yehuda ben Moshe, thank you all for your help