Nurture Our Next Generation
Pay heed to the words of our new King!
From His Imperial Majesty:
Be it known that the children of the East are Our most precious
subjects. Those members of the Eastern populace that honor children
honor Their Majesties.
These young members are contributing to our Society now, as artists
and archers, pages, heralds and dancers. Chivalry and courtesy demand
that our young members be welcomed and encouraged at every turn just
as we welcome and encourage all of Our subjects who would work for the
betterment of our Kingdom and Society.
We understand that there are times that our young members do not live
up to all the ideals of courtesy and historical accuracy that we
strive for. Very few of us do. Yet it behooves us all, parents, aunts,
uncles, friends, and strangers alike to make our children feel that
their presence is welcome and wanted.
We greatly appreciate the efforts of every Easterner who works to make
a place for families at events and incorporate them into all
appropriate activities.
In Service to the East,
Brennan Augustus
Photo by Baroness Cateline la Broderesse.