Laurels and Pelicans Wanted For Rematch
Once again, the Laurels and Pelicans of the East Kingdom will take to the field with boffer weapons and a sense of humor to raise money for the Kingdom. They will face off in melees for honor, glory and the laughter of the crowd at Panteria XVIII in the Shire of Panther Vale (Thetford, VT) . The peerage that takes the best two out of three will be declared the winner.
Laurels and Pelicans are currently being recruited for this good humored mayhem. Participants will be announced around May 6th at Cut-off for donations will be May 18th, so weapons can be made. Panteria is also host to order meetings for both peerages.
The boffer weapons that the peers can use are determined by how much money they raise. They range from a dagger for $25 to a specialty weapon for $100. Specialty weapons were popular last year and included a giant ladle, a quill pen, Grendel’s arm and a bourbon bottle.
People who would like to fight for their order and help the kingdom, should contact one of the following people:
The melees are again being sponsored by the Baron of Carolingia, Fergus MacRae, which means that all the money raised can be donated to the Pennsic War Chest.