A New Office of SCA Staffing has been announced.
The Board of Directors of the SCA, Inc. would like to announce the launch of a new Office of SCA Staffing (OSS) as a Special Deputy under the President of the Society.
The purpose of this office is to address the growing need to improve the ability of the Society to fill Society Level Officer and Board positions of the SCA. The Office of SCA Staffing is intended to help the organization more effectively fill open positions, and eventually allow individuals to continuously submit themselves for potential openings and to improve their ability to access and apply for open positions. It is designed to better find and attract those members with strongly-related real world skills as well as needed SCA experience, so that they might best be able to put that experience and expertise to work making the Society a first class non-profit organization.
There are no immediate changes to the existing process for publication of open SCA positions or the need to submit applications to the Corporate office by the closing date for the position.
Hank Salvacion (Sir Tanaka Raiko, KSCA, OP) has been tasked with developing the Office and to serve as the lead to identify and recruit candidates for open key roles within the Society. Hank has over 25 years of experience as a professional recruiter and staffing agent, including recruitment of top executives and professionals across a wide range of industries including Engineering, Information Technology, Aerospace, Military, Telecom, Pharmaceuticals, Financial Services, and Wireless Technology.
Tanaka Raiko, is a 25 year veteran of the Society. He is a member of the Order of the Chivalry, and the Order of the Pelican, and has served as East Kingdom Earl Marshal, Pennsic War Marshal and has held several Regional and local posts within the SCA.
He can officially be reached at staffing@sca.org
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
You may also email comments@lists.sca.org.
This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.