Unofficial Birka Court Report
Lo there did it come to pass that Wise King Edward and Graceful Queen Þora did find themselves in the northern Marketplace of Birka upon the twenty-sixth day of the Ninth Month of Forty Seventh Year of the Society. There did Their Majesties happen upon their most noble cousins Kroutas and Brenna of far off Trimaris, who had braved the harsh winds and Nordic temperatures to come view the wares of these Eastern Lands. There also did these most Royal cousins find themselves joined by Their Cousins Khalek and Branwyn, Khan and Khatun of the Sylvan Kingdom of Æthelmearc along with their Heirs, Prince Maynard and Princess Laidain. Such an occasion was not to be allowed to pass by unnoticed, thus Their Majesties summoned forth their Heirs Prince Gregor and Princess Kiena and convened their court to bear witness to the momentous occasions of the day.
Upon the fields of battle Their Majesties called forth their warriors to honor the Eastern armies before their most noble Cousins. Thus did they single out three mighty warriors for honor.
Item: Baron Jozef Ludwiczak was granted the honor of styling himself as a Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combatant. This honor was memorialized in deed and song by Elen Alswyth of Eriskay
Item: Baron Ivan Ivanov syn Dimitriev Vynuk Tzardikov was granted the honor of styling himself as a Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combatant. This honor was memorialized in deed and song by Ro Honig von Sommerfeldt.
Item: Viktor Dominik was granted the honor of styling himself as a Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combatant and Elevated to the station of a Lord of the Court by Award of Arms. This honor and elevation was memorialized by Jon Blaecstan.
Their Majesties did then command that a grand tournament be held to celebrate the meeting of their Cousins. At the conclusion of this tournament Earl Kenric att Essex stood victorious over all challengers.
Their Majesties did then command their masters of the steel blades to attend them and again honored the prowess of Eastern Steel before their assembled Cousins. They did then single out two who were deemed worthy of further honor.
Item: Remy Delemontagne de Gascogne was granted the honor and station of a member of the Order of the Silver Rapier. This honor was memorialized by verse of Donovan Shinnock.
Item: Jean Michel LeVode was granted the station and honor of a member of the Order of the Silver Rapier. This honor was memorialized in deed and song by Fiona O’Maille ó Chaun Coille
Their Majesties then commanded a grand tournament of the blade by held to celebrate the meeting of their cousins. Lord Quintin Brilliant stood over all challengers at the end of the day.
Their Majesties did then part ways with their Cousins, for the Caesar, Khan, and Princes did wish to cross blades with the warriors of the East. And the Queens, Khatun, and Princesses did wish to retire to the marketplaces.
When the clash of shields was over, and the Ringing of steel upon steel had gone silent, their Majesties did convene their court. Word of this gathering of King, Caesar, and Khan had traveled far to the Holy Lands. Thus their Graces, Hanover and Bronwyn, King and Queen of the Holy Kingdom of Acre were bid into their court and the Treaty of Eternal Friendship between the Holy Kingdom of Acre and the Kingdom of the East was reaffirmed to the acclaim of all present.
After greeting their Noble Cousins from far off lands and welcoming their hosts Jean Xavier and Maria, Baron and Baroness of Stonemarche into their court, Their Majesties Edward and Þora did thus command the presence of those of their populace whom they deemed worthy of merit.
Item: Their Majesties summoned forth Helena Doherty, a waterbearer, retainer, and porter of renown in her home Shire of Quintavia and elevated her to the station of a Noble of the Court by an Award of Arms. This honor was memorialized in word and song by Nyfain merch Cohel and penned by Mariette de Bretagne.
Item: Their Majesties did announce that the SCA Board of Directors has approved the petition of the Shire of Endewearde for full Baronial status.
Item: Their Majesties summoned the children of the East Kingdom and shared with them toys.
Item: Their Majesties did charge Lady Cecile Bennett with the stewardship of the children of the East as Chancellor Minor pro tem.
Item: Their Majesties caused those good gentles new to our Society to be brought before the Tyger Thrones, and did gift each with tokens of the day.
Item: Their Majesties did call forward the members of The East Kingdom Lacemaker’s Guild, known forthwith as Arachnes Web, and did ratify and reestablish the guild. This action was memorialized in word and song by Nest verch Tangwistel.
Item: Their Majesties summoned forth Aziz of Stonemarche. In recognition of his service as an archer and his service as Cupbearer for their Excellencies Stonemarche, their Majesties did create him a Page of the Court and induct him into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub to the acclaim of the members present. This honor was memorialized in word and song by Shadiyah Al-Zhara.
Item: Their Majesties did summon forth Olivir Spinster. In recognition for his lifesaving heroics and his continual support of the Growth of the Barony of Stonemarch They did create him a Lord of the Court by an Award of Arms. This elevation was memorialized in deed and song by Sarah Davies of Monmouth and penned by Kayleigh McWhyte.
Item: Their Majesties did call before them Zenya z Piszczac. In recognition of her talents as a bard and entertainer Their Majesties did elevate her to the station of a Lady of the Court by Award of Arms. This elevation was memorialized in deed and song by Lada Monguligin.
Item: Their Majesties did command the presence of Mikjal Bogmander. No longer able to evade the command of his King and Queen he did present himself before the Tyger Thrones. Finally cornering the elusive Mikjal, The Tyger King and Queen did thus Create him a Lord of the Court by Award of Arms. This elevation was memorialized in deed and song by Katherine Barr.
Item: Þjóðrekr ógæfa was then summoned before their Majesties. His service to their
Excellencies Stonemarche, his service to the Royal Encampment at the Great Pennsic War, and his skill in the Heavy Lists had not gone unnoticed. Their Majesties did thus create him a Lord of the Court by Award of Arms. This elevation was memorialized in word and song by Eowyn Eilonwy of Alewife Brook.
Item: Their Majesties did then summon forth Fearghus MacGregoure. In recognition of his service to the Kingdom, his skill as an archer, and service to the Barony of Stonemarche their Majesties did create him a Lord of the Court by Award of Arms. This elevation was memorialized in word and song by Magdalena von Kirschberg.
Item: Their Majesties did summon forth Christiana Crane before the Tyger Thrones. For her service as a Scribe of the East and for her research into her arts and Sciences and teaching of such in her home Barony of Endewearde Their Majesties did create her a Lady of the Court by Award of Arms. This elevation was memorialized in word and song by Margaret Twygge.
Item: Their Majesties did summon forth Lady Arnleif the Red and Lady Kathryn Ramsey. Hearing many tales of the skill in the arts of these two noble Ladies Their Majesties did summon forth their Order of the Maunche. Lady Arnleif’s inclusion into the Order was memorialized in deed and song by Saerlaith ingen Chennetig. Lady Kathryn’s induction into the Order was memorialized in deed and song by Rhonwen Glyn Conwy.
Item: His Majesty did summon forth Lady Arlyana van Wyck and Master Peter the Red. Finding them both worthy of his esteem and in appreciation to their service to His Majesty He did create them members of his King’s Esteem of Merit.
Item: Leurs Majestés ne citer devant eux Jolene du Bois Ardent. Pour son service dans les cuisines, le nettoyage et les travaux de broderie, elle a été élevée à la station d’une dame de la Cour par le Prix d’armes. Cet acte a été commémoré en tissu brodé par Rennewief von Grunewald. (Their Majesties did summon before them Jolene of Bois Ardent. For her service in the Kitchens, cleaning, and work with embroidery she was elevated to the station of a Lady of the Court by Award of Arms. This deed was memorialized in embroidered fabric by Rennewief von Grunewald.)
Item: Their Majesties did them summon forth Etain de Nacoillte. Finding a future steward of the marketplace of Birka not yet ennobled they did thus create her a Lady of the Court by Award of Arms. This elevation was memorialized in deed and song by Edward MacGyver dos Scorpos.
Item: Their Majetsies did summon forth Godric of Hamtun, Captain-General of Archers. He attested that Alianor Becket had attained the rank of Grandmaster Bowman. The said Alianor was summoned forth and invested with the badge of her rank. This investiture was memorialized by deed and song by Camille des Jardins, Anna Mickel von Salm, and Iain of Malagentia.
Item: His Majesty did summon forth Lord Alec Craig. In mark of his esteem and thanks for his service to the archery community His Majesty did award Alec his King’s Esteem of Merit.
Item: Their Majesties did them summon forth both Bregowine of Galloping Hill and Aoife, the Innkeep of House Three Sheets. In recognition of Bregowine’s skill at arms, Aoife’s skill in the Kitchens, and both their efforts in expanding the populace of the Kingdom, Their Majesties did create them a Lord and Lady of the Court by Awarding them Arms. This elevation was memorialized in deed and song for Bregowine by Ignacia la Ciega, and for Aiofe by Iohannes Weisswald.
Items: Her Majesty did summon into Her presence Conogan mab Rioc and Mariota of Kildare. Finding their Courtesy in serving her as her guard and retainer she did bestow upon them her Queen’s Order of Courtesy.
Item: Their Majesties did then summon forth Méabh of Hawkridge. Finding her service to be exemplary and recognizing her service to her household and to the Kingdom as a Kitchener did elevate her to the station of a Lady of the Court by Award of Arms. This elevation was memorialized in verse by Martyn de Halliwell.
Item: Their Majesties did summon forth Camille des Jardins and Freygerðr of Visby. Their Majesties did hear many tales of the extreme service of these gentles and sought council to determine how such extreme service was to be recognized. They then summoned forth their councilors, the Order of the Silver Crescent and inducted the aforesaid Camille and Freygerðr into the Order. The induction of Camille was memorialized by word and song of Quentus Quinctilius Mortis and Anna Mickel von Salm. The induction of Freygerðr was memorialized by word and song of Altani Khatagidai and Harold von Auerbach.
Item: The people of Quintavia did then come forth to provide His Majesty a gift of a Proper Quiver and Armguard.
Their Majesties did then thank their noble Cousins for braving the distance and the harsh Norse weather to attend The Market Day and bade them return should their sails draw them northward next year. The court was deemed complete and thusly, closed.
Thus say I, Master Rian Mac Faoitigh, Brigantia Principal Herald of the East. I do set my hand and mark into record these events. I name the following as Witnesses to these events:
Countess Alethea Eastriding
Mistress Brita Mairi Svensdottir
Baroness Brighid MacCumhal
Baroness Alesone Grey of Chranlegh
Don Donovan Shinnock
Lord Martyn de haliwell
All photos by Cateline la Broderesse with the exception of the Silver Rapier photo by Magdalena von Kirschber
An excellent report. Much thanks and VIVAT!!!! to all honourees.