Pikestaff needs your artwork
Pikestaff is seeking artwork for future issues. Our primary need is for art suitable for covers, but small spot illustrations are welcome too. Cover art should be sized to fit an 8.5×11 format, should be black and white/greyscale, and should be in a graphics format such as JPEG or GIF. Art should be period in style and theme, and can be original or heavily inspired by an extant work. It should also be suitable for a family publication.
The electronic edition of Pikestaff is potentially seen all over the Known World, and I would like to showcase our talented artisans. I have cover openings beginning with the May issue (deadline March 25), and continuing through the remainder of the year, with the exception of October. If you would like to do a cover for a particular month, please contact me in advance, to be sure I haven’t already promised that month to someone else. I’m happy to address questions too. I can be reached by email at chronicler@eastkingdom.org, or if you prefer phone, my number is in the front of every Pikestaff.
Mistress A’isha bint Jamil, East Kingdom Chronicler